- by Sally
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Vaccines have been in the news a lot lately. In fact, in the past 5 years, there has probably been more discussion around vaccines than at any other time. Many are just now waking up to the realization that the Big Pharma slogan “safe and effective” may not be entirely true. For those who have experienced the adverse side effects first hand, however, this recent bad press is nothing new. In fact, they’ve been shouting from the rooftops for years, trying to get people to listen about the dangers of vaccines, particularly for children.
We, like many parents, blindly went along for years with whatever conventional medicine told us to do. They were, after all, the doctors. We were just the parents.
Fortunately, that little God-given gift called “a mother’s intuition” eventually kicked in.
Both of our boys were vaccinated as babies. By the time our youngest started getting his first shots, however, I began to have serious doubts and misgivings about continuing down that road. There’s not much I regret in life. Having my children vaccinated is one of those regrets.
While we did not experience the severe side effects many other families have, there were no doubt tell-tale signs of their little bodies not handling the vaccines very well. From skin rashes and digestive disorders to learning challenges and delays, the shots they received over the years took their toll.
Finally, by the time our oldest was 16 and our youngest was 11, we chose not to continue the vaccine schedule (our oldest is now almost 22 and our youngest 16). By God’s grace, their health improved and they have continued to be healthy young men.
I don’t share this to shame parents who have decided to vaccinate their children. On the contrary, if after doing your research you decide that’s the best thing for your child, then you should continue.
But I do wonder how many parents are still in the dark about the possible side effects of staying on the American Academy of Pediatrics vaccine schedule. Have they truly done their research? Do they know about alternatives? Do they feel immense pressure from their pediatrician? Do they feel the freedom to choose a different path? What are the alternatives? Where do they even begin to look?
With these questions in mind, I wanted to compile a list of resources to help parents who want to do their research and offer information they won’t get from their pediatrician (unless you have an amazing pediatrician who’s open to letting you as the parent decide). The best time to do this is before you have children. However, it is never too late to educate yourself and make changes.
Below you’ll find websites, books, series, documentaries, articles, podcasts interviews, supplement suggestions, and holistic provider directories to help you on your journey to educating yourself about vaccines. This is the information I wish I had had access to before I had kids. Now I want to provide it for you.
Bottom line: YOU are your child’s parent, and it is up to you to decide what is best for your child. Hopefully this guide will make it a little easier to make an educated decision. I hope you will take the time to thoroughly look into each resource. I purposefully did not go into detail on each resource, because I want you to draw your own conclusions after looking into each one. These are the resources I have found to be extremely thorough, transparent, and informative, all of which make it easier to weigh your options.
And if you want my opinion on the best place to start, check out A Shot in the Dark* series. It is SO good!
And make sure to bookmark this post as I will try to update it with any new resources I come across. And share with your friends and family!
Physicians for Informed Consent
VAERS (The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) Database
Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak
Naturally Healthy Babies and Children
An Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children & Infants
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants
How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor
Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe
Other Videos & Interviews
Truth About Childhood Vaccines
To Vax or Not to Vax: Educating Parents on the Options
How to Detoxify and Heal from Vaccinations for Adults & Children
Find a Holistic Provider
Directory of Pro-Informed Consent Providers
Holistic Pediatric Alliance Directory
If there are other resources available that I have not mentioned, please comment or shoot me an email, and I will try to add it to this list!
*Legal Disclaimer: The content in this post has not been evaluated by the FDA and is for informational purposes only. The content in this post is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or prevent any disease, physical or mental. It is not intended as a substitute for regular medical care. The information given is at the sole discretion of the reader. The Healthy Happy Woman will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of the information on our website.