I’m an accessory girl. I love purses, jewelry, scarves, and shoes. And I always make sure to have on my favorite accessories before leaving the house. I go through my…
*This Post contains affiliate links. I’ve kept a Prayer Notebook since I was in college, and it has by far been one of the best things I have done for…
I love Facebook. It’s such a fun way to stay connected with friends (both old and new) and family. But as fun as Facebook is, it just doesn’t compare to having…
One of the best ways to have a healthy and happy new year is to read the Scriptures every day. Daily devotions, quiet time, morning manna – whatever you want…
I always get excited at the approach of a new year. It’s like a fresh, clean canvas ready to paint with hopes, dreams, and possibilities. My hopes and dreams used…
I am almost half way through the 40-Day Joy Challenge, and I’m loving it! And because I have found Tommy Newberry so helpful, I thought you might too! So, it’s…
Hey everyone! Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve written a post. I have broken the cardinal rule for all bloggers…blog consistently! With finishing construction on a new house, moving,…
Summer seems to have flown by particularly fast this year. The long, lazy days of summer didn’t seem to be long or lazy enough. And as soon as we start…
Busyness. It’s something I seem to deal with more and more as I get older. It’s why I haven’t posted in several weeks! 😉 I was recently thinking about all…