Supplements were a huge part of restoring me back to health several years ago.  When I began incorporating a potent multi-vitamin/mineral, essential fatty acids, vitamin D, adaptogenic herbs for my adrenal fatigue, and an herbal formula to balance my hormones, I began to experience more energy and overall balance.  This supplement plan in combination with getting gluten out of my diet and cleaning up my food choices helped me to shed the baby weight.  At 5’7”, I went from a size 12/14 down to a size 4/6 (I had been a size 10 since high school).  These simple changes helped me to lose weight I didn’t know I had to lose!  I didn’t think it was possible for me to go below a size 10.  By the way, I measure success by clothing size rather than weight, because our weight can fluctuate from day to day.

Oftentimes, there’s a temptation to eat whatever we want, then pop a pill in the hopes it will keep us healthy and counter the effects of our negative food choices.  As we’ve discussed, our food choices must make up the foundation of our health.  Once we are on the right path to eating real, fresh, organic food, we can make smart supplement choices to enhance the healthy diet we already have.  Supplements are meant to simply do just that – supplement our diet, and add beneficial nutrients that we might not be getting from our food alone.  There are 4 basic supplements that I recommend to make up the foundation of any supplement plan.  I recommend these to my clients regardless of their age or gender.  They are:

  1. High quality, multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement
  2. Essential Fatty Acid Supplement
  3. High quality probiotic supplement
  4. Calcium/Magnesium/D3 supplement

These make up the basics, and they really help to fill in the nutritional gaps that may be missing, even from a healthy diet.  If you begin to incorporate the Foundational 4 into your diet, along with eating real food, I guarantee you will begin to notice positive changes in your health, your waistline, your energy levels, even your skin and hair!  If you need further supplementation based on specific needs or health concerns, check out my supplement section.

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