- by Sally
I recently went on a “mommy’s day out”, where my dear hubby spent time with our boys while I enjoyed some alone time. I did one of my all time favorite things…I took a leisurely stroll through the local Christian bookstore (I am my father’s daughter!). Any bookstore will do, mind you, as I just love browsing titles, reading the table of contents, and hunting for that particular “gem” of a book. On this particular jaunt, I found such a gem. It’s a book called, Craving Grace: Experience the Richness of the Gospel
, by Ruthie Delk. It was the title that first caught my eye. Craving Grace sounded like just what my heart needed. Then I became even more excited as I read the author’s name – Ruthie Delk. “Could it be?” I thought. I turned to the back cover, and there was the beautiful face of the woman who babysat me when I was around 8 years old!
I met Ruthie and her husband, David, when I was a child and my father was speaking at a weekend retreat for college kids from Furman University. Ruthie and David were engaged when I met them, and I thought they were the coolest college students ever. After they graduated and got married, they stayed with my brother and me for a weekend while my parents were away. I must say that they were very instrumental in my decision to attend Furman 10 years later. I have not seen Ruthie since then, so I was super excited to find she had written a book.
Craving Grace does a wonderful job of explaining the difference between merely living the Christian life with a bunch of head knowledge and having that knowledge transform your heart and life. One of the most helpful parts of the book is a diagram called the Gospel Eight Diagram. It is an excellent visual of the Gospel, and it is a helpful tool whether you’re a new Christian, you’ve been a Christian for years, or your sharing your faith with an unbeliever. I don’t want to give away too much about the diagram – you’ll have to get the book!
Craving Grace is a fresh reminder of my need for the Gospel everyday. It is a call to live as a child of God and not an orphan; to live in the abundant love and grace He has lavished on me through Christ and not in depressing self-righteousness; and to feast at the marriage supper of the Lamb and glory in the eternal blessings which are mine through Christ Jesus (Eph. 1) and not dine on the meager rations of self-reliance and “trying harder.”
This is the perfect size book to have on hand to give to friends and family. Both seekers and those struggling in their Christian walk will greatly benefit from this “gem” of a book.
You can find Ruthie at CravingGrace.org, where she has sample videos of her teaching as well as printables that go along with her book.