5 Ways to Make the Most of a New Year

5 Ways to Make the Most of a New Year

Well, we’re into our second week of 2022! How’s it going?

Are you staying on track with your New Year’s resolutions or goals?

If you’ve already felt like giving up, don’t get discouraged. Today’s post has a few tips that will hopefully inspire you to stick with your goals for the long haul!

Check out 5 Ways you can make the most of a new year:

1. Write down all your Goals for the Year

Make sure to include all the major categories of your life (Spiritual, Physical, Social, Financial, etc.). Brainstorm what you would like to see happen in each of your categories. Choose your Top 3 for each category and make those the focus of your year!

2. Break up your Bigger Goals into Quarterly Goals

This makes them easier to accomplish and helps to break them up into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, if your Big goal is to write a book this year, your quarterly goals might look like this:

Q1: Create outline, chapter titles and introduction by March 30

Q2: Research and write first 5 chapters by June 30

Q3: Write last 5 chapters by Sept. 30

Q4: Polish and Edit final draft, Research & Find publisher, send to Publisher by Dec. 31

3. Create a Vision Board with Your Goals

Vision Boards are essentially your Goals in picture form. By cutting out pictures from magazines or printing pictures from the internet, you can create a visual of what you want your life to look like in 2022 and what you want to accomplish. For example, if one of your goals is to eat healthier this year, find colorful pictures of organized fridges with fresh smoothies, salads, and juices. Every time you look at it, your brain will be re-wired to want healthier food!

I added this photo to the ‘Health Goals’ section of my Vision Board! It inspires me to eat fresh fruits and veggies!
Photo Credit: hellonutritarian.com

4. Keep Your Goals/Vision Board where You can see it Every day

I print out multiple copies of my Vision Board and put them in my journal, on my bulletin board, and in my planner. This ensures that I see it every day and keep my goals in front of me. You can even frame it in a beautiful frame and put it up in your office or bedroom. Have fun with this and get as creative as you can! The more beautiful you make it, the more you will want to look at it!

I keep a copy of my Vision Board on my bulletin board in my office where I can see it every day!

5. Review Your Goals Regularly

Read, review, and pray over your goals regularly. You may find that some goals need to be tweaked or changed, and that’s okay! The point is to be open to what God wants you to do this year! By reviewing your goals regularly, you’ll be able to focus on what really matters each day and keep track of your progress.

How do you stay on track with your goals? If you’re already struggling with your new year’s goals, hopefully these tips will inspire and motivate you to keep going! And if you still need a little more help, check out the super helpful resources below!

Recommended Resources

How to Set Goals for 2022

8 Rules for Highly Effective Goal Setting

Vision Board: What Is It? How Does It Work? (Plus How to Make One)

17 Health Goals & Daily Habits

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