This week we have the joy of celebrating Thanksgiving with friends and family. I am reminded every Thanksgiving of how much I have to be grateful for. Thanksgiving is a…
We just got back from vacationing in the Outer Banks and had a wonderful, relaxing time (it’s also why I haven’t posted in a few weeks!) The one thing I…
One of my favorite afternoon rituals is brewing a steaming cup of green tea. I drink it as much for its soothing and calming properties as I do for all…
Cold and flu season is upon us once again, and I always like to be well-stocked with natural remedies for our family. My favorite natural remedies get to the root…
One of the biggest struggles we face as women today is a struggle with our identity. Who am I and how should I view myself? The problem is that many…
One of my favorite children’s books is The Jesus Storybook Bible. And it’s not just for children! We have read through it several times with our boys, and each time…
I love formulas. Give me “3 steps to a cleaner house” or “5 ways to get out of debt”, and I’m a happy girl. There’s something very appealing to me…
Do you ever find yourself reading Scripture as a long list of impersonal rules? Do you find it difficult to get through the “boring” parts of the Old Testament? Reading through…
It’s estimated that the average American consumes 200 lbs. of sugar each year! In my unhealthier eating days, I was likely an “above average” American when it came to…