30 Healthy Habit Ideas

30 Healthy Habit Ideas

I love studying habits! In fact, I’ve narrowed down what I think are the top 10 habits that can produce a healthy, happy life in this post!

Habits truly are the backbone of who we are and what we can become (good or bad!).

As John C. Maxwell said, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

In other words, the secret of our success is found in our daily habits!

In addition to the foundational 10 habits that I mentioned in the post above, there are a plethora of healthy habits that one could practice.

I’ve given you 30 ideas (one for each day of the month!). Pick one (or pick several) and commit to implementing it every day for 30 days (subscribers, check the printables library for my printable habit tracker to help keep you on track and motivated!👇🏻).

Any one of these could be a game-changer for your health and happiness!


1. Begin your day with the Lord in Bible reading & Prayer

2. Make your bed

3. Eat a healthy breakfast

4. Take your vitamins

5. Hydrate

6. Have a plan for your day and follow it

7. Drink a green smoothie or green juice

8. Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day

9. Write out and review your goals

10. Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book per day

11. Write down 3 things for which you are grateful

12. Call/text/email a word of encouragement to someone

13. Floss your teeth

14. Take a detox bath

15. Give yourself an at-home facial

16. Schedule time with friends

17. Dry brush your skin

18. Go to bed earlier

19. Diffuse essential oils

20. Stretch or try yoga

21. Hug your family, friend or loved one and tell them you love them

22. Go on regular dates with your husband (if you’re not married, see #16)

23. Schedule regular retreats (for dreaming, planning, praying)

24. Prep your day the night before (lay out work clothes, workout clothes, prep meals, etc.)

25. Wash your hands

26. Organize something (a drawer, closet, room, etc.)!

27. Plan your meals

28. Have a cup of herbal tea

29. Swap soda with sparkling water

30. Dress your best for the day

Now it’s your turn! Maybe you thought of a few more of your own? The possibilities are endless. The point is to practice until it becomes a habit. Then move on and choose a new one!

Before you know it, you will be living a healthy life because of the discipline of your daily choices which became healthy habits 🙌

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