My Favorite Professional Grade BlenderI use my personal size NutriBullet Blender all the time!The Breville Compact Juice Fountain is a great budget-friendly juicer that makes delicious, fresh juice. I love mine!I use my Crockpot 7-qt. oval slow cooker all the time. It really saves me so much time in the kitchen, especially on busy days during the week!I absolutely love my Instant Pot! It makes perfect hard boiled eggs and cooks everything super fast. Pressure cooking is actually one of the healthiest ways to cook your food, because it preserves more nutrients!We love our Waterwise Water Distiller in our house! This makes the purest, best tasting water, and we’ve had ours for years!I avoid using non-stick and aluminum pots and pans due to the toxic chemicals used. Instead, I opt for healthier alternatives like cast iron, stainless steel and ceramic.
I love Mason Jars of all shapes and sizes! There are so many uses for them in the kitchen. From drinking glasses to food storage, every kitchen needs these versatile jars!I can’t seem to have enough of these yeti tumblers! I have them in various colors and sizes, and I love them all! They truly keep your hot drinks hotter and your cold drinks colder!
Glass straws are the perfect and healthy way to sip thick smoothies and drinks that contain essential oils (because they can erode plastic straws)Glass food storage containers are much safer to store food in than plastic. These colorful containers are perfect for make-ahead meal prep and safely storing leftovers and chopped fruits and veggies!