- by Sally

If you watch the nightly news, you might be tempted to give in to despair over the state of our country. With elections right around the corner, there seems to be so much hanging in the balance.
Confusion, chaos, and corruption seem to be rampant, and you might wonder if there is any hope for this country you love so dearly. Is there anything you can do?
There is hope. There is something you can do. And it’s one of the most powerful things you could possibly do.
You can pray.
God will and always has used prayer to accomplish His purposes. He has brought many great revivals throughout history. Do you know what preceded these revivals? Prayer.
So, don’t lost heart, friend! Instead, start (or continue) praying fervently and faithfully for America.
Here are a few ways to pray for America:
Our Freedoms
Our very freedoms are under attack in this country. Attempts to take away our First Amendment, one of our most basic freedoms that sets us apart from other nations, are constantly being pursued. If we don’t have this freedom, then we cannot continue to live and worship freely. And all the other freedoms quickly follow.
Elected Officials
Every elected official needs our prayers – from the President down to your local mayor, these leaders are making decisions everyday that affect our lives. We must pray for them to have great wisdom and to lead with righteousness.
The Church in America is under attack, and the devil wants nothing more than the Church to look like the world. We need to pray that pastors and church leaders would be faithful to God’s Word (no matter how unpopular it is), and that they would preach the Gospel from their pulpits.
The Family is the basic building block of society. Since Adam and Eve fell in the Garden, satan has continued to attack the family. He knows that if he can destroy the family, then there will be an eventual breakdown of society. We need to pray for the husbands, wives, and children of this country, that God would redeem and restore families.
Our military sacrifices so much in order to defend us and our country. We must faithfully pray for their safety and success. It’s also important to pray for their families as they are away serving.
These are just a few areas where praying for our country is pivotal. Maybe you know praying for our country is essential, but you don’t know where to begin or you feel overwhelmed.
That’s why I created 31 Days of Praying for America. This 31 day prayer Ebook will guide you on a day-by-day prayer journey of praying 31 different scriptures for America covering the different topics mentioned above. You can know that when you are praying the scriptures, you are praying God’s will.
Why not encourage a friend to get a copy too so that you can pray these prayers together? There is power in corporate prayer – “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” -Matthew 18:20
Remember, don’t give up. Keep asking; keep seeking; keep knocking. Let’s pray expectantly for what God will do in this nation!