Have you ever thought of happiness as a choice? It’s easy to think it is a result of ideal circumstances, getting everything we want, and others behaving the way we’d…
Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Merriam Webster defines perfectionism as “a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable.” Can you relate? I know I can! Although I…
Don’t you just love the promises that so many beauty products make? Tighter, more even skin. Clearer pores. A more radiant complexion. While I’m the first to admit that…
Have you ever thought about the power of one word? I came across the concept of choosing a yearly theme word a few years ago, and I’ve been hooked ever…
Christmas is my favorite holiday for many reasons. The twinkling lights and Christmas trees. The music. The gifts. The decorations. The delicious food. The gathering of friends and family. These…
I believe forgiveness is one of the most important topics when it comes to spiritual and physical health. As a pastor’s wife and Holistic Health Coach, time and time again…
Does it ever feel like there is too much going on in the world for God to care about your situation? Ever feel like He is too busy to know…
Did you know that one of the most beneficial habits you can practice in your walk with the Lord is to memorize Scripture? And yet with our busy schedules and…
Have you ever read through the entire Bible? It may seem like a daunting task, but I’ve compiled 10 different plans that take the guess work out of where to…