- by Sally

Hey everyone! Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve written a post. I have broken the cardinal rule for all bloggers…blog consistently! With finishing construction on a new house, moving, and keeping up with homeschool as well as other daily demands, I had to put posting on hold for a while (I do look forward to posting pictures soon of our finished product!).
It has indeed been an exciting yet stressful few months around here. I have never felt that I multi-task very well, so the pressures of staying on top of everything have produced a lot of angst in me. As excited as I have been to move into our new home, I have to be honest and say that I have struggled to maintain my joy.
The main reason? I was focusing on all the things that needed to be done or fixed, rather than enjoying the tremendous blessing that God had given us. My own mind had become my enemy.
So imagine my delight at God’s providential timing of Tommy Newberry’s new program – The 40 Day Joy Challenge. Tommy is one of my favorite authors, and I absolutely love his bestsellers, The 4:8 Principle and 40 Days to a Joy-Filled Life. These books are chock full of practical ways to renew your mind and think thoughts that are in line with Philippians 4:8.
His new program expounds upon these two books. With daily coaching videos and printable worksheets, this program is set up to truly help transform your thought life.
I plan to blog about what I learn in this program and share with you what the Lord teaches me. I am currently on Day 6 and already I see a shift in my thinking. The simple act of being aware of my thoughts at any given moment is quite revealing. But it’s also liberating, because it means that if my thoughts are not Biblical and joy-filled, I can choose to change them right then and there.
If the 40-Day Challenge is too expensive for you right now, I definitely recommend reading his other two books as he covers much of the same material. The 40-Day Challenge is a great investment when you’re ready for additional motivation to change your thought life. I would love for you to join me on this 40-Day Challenge to be intentional about your thought life and increase your joy! This is the perfect time to do it with Thanksgiving just around the corner. (By the way, I am in no wise affiliated with Tommy Newberry or his program. These are my own, honest opinions, and I love to pass on information to my readers that has been helpful for me).
I would love to know your thoughts! Do you have any strategies for focusing your mind on Philippians 4:8 thoughts? Let us know in the comments!
2 thoughts on “The Joy Challenge (Pt. 1)”
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Hi! Thank you for this review. I have really been desiring to have more joy in my life and keep it so I plan on reading one of his books. What great timing! Thanks so much.
Hi Adina! I think you will really like Tommy’s books – they are SO practical 🙂