- by Sally
Christmas truly is my most favorite time of the year!
No matter how old I get, the sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas make my heart sing.
They are gifts from the One who created us with these senses; the One who created everything; and the One who gave us the greatest gift ever given. This gift helps explain why we love to give gifts to others at Christmas time.
The birth of Jesus Christ has inspired men to write some of the greatest pieces of music and personal reflections ever written. Because it’s the greatest event in all of human history. The Son of God took on human flesh, was born of a woman, and left all the riches and glory of heaven to come for one specific purpose…to die for the sins of His people.
If that were the end of the story, Christmas would not be such a glorious holiday.
But it’s not!
He didn’t stay in the grave. He rose again on the third day to conquer sin, and death, and hell itself.
For me.
And for you.
That’s why Christmas is so glorious! We’ve been given the greatest gift anyone could ever be given. Forgiveness of our sins; the righteousness of Christ; the assurance of spending eternity with Him. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Cor. 9:15
We can never thank Him enough.
We can never earn such a gift.
That’s why it’s called a gift. I love Noah Webster’s definition of the word gift from his 1828 Dictionary, “any thing, the property of which is voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation.” You cannot compensate someone for their gift to you. All you can do is receive it with a grateful heart.
Have you received this gift? The gift of God’s only begotten Son given for you?
May you experience the greatest joy you’ve ever known as you receive God’s indescribable gift! Merry Christmas, dear reader!