How I’ve Been Renewing My Mind During Covid-19

How I’ve Been Renewing My Mind During Covid-19

We are living in unprecedented times, aren’t we? If you would have told me in January or February that we would all be quarantining in our homes due to a pandemic, I would have laughed it off as a fictional tale! And yet, here we are!

Throughout this pandemic, I’ve had a lot of time lately to be alone with my thoughts. Can anyone else relate?! 🤔What I’ve discovered (or at least was made much more aware of) is that I have some faulty thinking patterns and habits. That’s what happens when you have a lot of time to think! Add to that the onslaught of information we’ve been bombarded with over the past couple of months, along with all the “what ifs”, and it’s enough to make you feel a little crazy!â €

đź’–Romans 12:2 says that the way to a transformed life is by renewing our mind. How can we renew our mind? Here have been some of my favorite ways during this quarantine (some I’ve been doing for years, others are new habits that I’m trying to incorporate into my daily routine!):â €

đź“–Daily Bible Study

The Bible is THE one book that is LIVING and ACTIVE and has the power to transform you from the inside out! The Book of Psalms is a wonderful book to meditate on, particularly in the midst of trials and difficulties. I’ve also recently finished studying Hebrews and 1 John and have learned so much!


Taking the time to get quiet before the Lord, to seek his wisdom, to pour out my heart to Him does wonders for the soul. Prayer shouldn’t be a last resort – it should be our first priority!â €


I love to write out my prayers, notes from my Bible reading and other Christian books, Scripture affirmations, goals, etc. Having a record of all that the Lord is teaching me throughout my life is so important to me. It’s truly amazing to go back and see all that He has done!


This is one of our greatest weapons against the devil! I am finding it to be very powerful for transforming my thoughts and focusing on praising God. It’s truly an instant mood-booster! I keep a list of my favorite psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs and try to sing one during my quiet time!â €

🎧Listening to Sermons & Podcasts

I love to listen to sermons and uplifting podcasts while I’m doing housework, going for a walk or fixing dinner. It’s such a great way to renew my mind while doing other tasks.â €

Listening to Sermons and Podcasts while walking is one of my favorite ways to de-stress and renew my mind!

đź“ťWriting and Reciting Scripture Affirmations

I’ve started keeping a separate journal (I call it my “Transformation Journal” from Romans 12:2) with nothing but Scriptural Affirmations and Scriptural Prayers. Whenever I start feeling down or negative, I flip open this journal and read through the scriptures and prayers. It truly is helping me form new “thought habits”!â €By having these affirmations already written out, it helps me to be proactive in my thinking.

Sample Pages from my Transformation Journal


I’ve also had way more time to read, which has been fabulous! Reading solid, Christian books, devotionals, and other uplifting, educational books is a wonderful way to renew your mind. You can always start out with just 10 minutes a day. Chances are, you will really get into the book you are reading and want to read longer.

How have you been renewing your mind during this time? I’d love to hear your favorite ways!

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