My Daily Detox Drink

Daily Detox Drink

What does the word ‘detox’ make you think of?   Does it conjure up images of deprivation, hunger, or unpleasant side effects?  Detoxifying our bodies really doesn’t have to be unpleasant.  In fact, it can be done quite easily and gently.  And there are numerous benefits to frequently detoxifying.  They include:

  • Improved digestion
  • Clearer skin
  • Increased energy
  • Mental clarity
  • Removal of toxins

Just one of these reasons is enough for me!  Detoxifying doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated.  You can detoxify your body with just a few simple ingredients you probably have lying around your house.

One of my favorite and refreshing ways to detoxify is with lemon.  I love lemons!  They are just a bright and cheery fruit loaded with health benefits.  They:

  • Cleanse the liver, our body’s major detoxifying organ
  • Help alkalize our bodies, which tend to be too acidic
  • Are loaded with Vitamin C
  • Break down toxic chemicals that we may ingest through our food or environment

As I researched all the wonderful health benefits of lemons, I thought, “Why am I not drinking more lemon water?”  So, I concocted this simple lemon detox drink.  It really couldn’t be simpler to start detoxifying your body and feeling the benefits!

Here’s my simple recipe:

  • 8 – 12 oz. distilled or purified water
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 2-3 drops lemon essential oil*
  • Several drops of stevia to taste (optional)

*Make sure to use a glass or stainless steel cup for this recipe, as the lemon essential oil will “eat” through plastic and styrofoam.  Just imagine it doing the same thing to the chemicals in your body!

2 thoughts on “My Daily Detox Drink

  1. Imagine what it could do to your mucous membranes and intestinal lining especially without added fat or capsulated to disperse and suspend the lemon essential oil. It may also cause liver damage. I’d hate to see that happen to you or anyone else although it already has for others. : (

    1. Maria,
      Thanks for your comment. I should specify that I am recommending food grade essential oil in this recipe. The quality of the oil makes all the difference, and yes, most essential oils are not recommended for ingesting. Food grade lemon essential oil, however, is safe to consume. The one I recommend and used in this recipe is the lemon essential oil from a brand called Do Terra Essential oils. Hope this helps!

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